Extra Credit
Will Shaking The
Table Have An
Effect On How Much
Water A penny Will
Someone is
always bumping
into your table
while you are
trying to work. I
have seen
people argue
about this all the
time. Let us see
how banging into
the table will
effect your
<- Back And Forth ->
1) Explain what a Control is.
2) Which table in the room is the best for getting good results?
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Problem: Will shaking the table have an effect on how much water a penny will

Hypothesis: (my opinion) Whenever someone hits the table everything spills, so
I think shaking the table will change the results for the worse.

Materials : water

Equipment: pennies, tray, sponge, dropper, desk, cup

step 1) Put dropper into a cup of water and squeeze the air out. Water will fill the
step 2) Put a penny on a tray and hold a ruler next to it.
step 3) Hold a dropper at the desired height of 1 inch
step 4) Squeeze dropper letting drops of water fall on the penny.
step 5) Count how many drops fit on the penny before it overflows. (this is my)
step 6) Have someone at the table shake the table a little while counting.
step 7) Dry penny and repeat steps for the next trial.
step 8) Now shake the table a lot and repeat all the steps, drying the penny
between trials.

Results: (these are sample results)

Amount guess 1 2 3 A
Not shaking 11 12 15 9 12
Shake a little 5 2 4 0 2
Shake a lot 10 0 1 1 1

Conclusion: (why your results are the way they are)
As someone banks into the table or shakes the table, the water falls off. The less
you hit the table the better.

Variables: (things that cause changes)
Someone hit my arm, there was splashing, the eyedroppers were different sizes,
people were fooling around at my table, sometimes the penny that I needed was
not in the box.
Scientific Method Write-up
The water sits on top of the penny and
forms a dome; water molecules hold on to
each other. As someone hits the table it
causes the water to swing back and forth.
This causes the water to spill