
I love art and science. I was always torn between the two [and both] would win as I became an adult. As I went through school, I kept switching back and forth between these subjects. I began my teaching career as an art teacher, but switched to teaching science. As I continued teaching science, I never left my love for art. Everything I do in my science classroom resembles the way in which someone would teach art. The methodology is the same, the material is just different. Over the years I have taught every grade in Middle School, but I find sixth grade to be special. Here I get to mold young minds and help to create future scientists. - Mr. Greg Grambo
Our Bob Science Notebook

Our Jake Science Notebook

Our Sally Science Notebook

Our Fred Technology Notebook
 Science with Grambo - Web Page- Fred Technology Journal.
- Games Made In Technology Class Using Scratch Programming Language.
 Science Journal - Daily Journal of Mr. Grambo's Science Class.
Weather Watch - Web Page - Weather Watch - Web Page
Building Big Things - Web Page - Building Big Things - Web Page
Bug Camp - Entomology - Web Page - Bug Camp - Entomology - Web Page
Embryology - Web Page - Ecosystem Overview - Web Page
ScienceFair - Science Fair - Web Page
Trees and Leaves - Web Page - Trees and Leaves - Web Page
Embryology - Web Page - Embryology - Web Page
MyPieceOfTheNeighborhood - My Piece Of The Neighborhood - Web Page
TomatoSauce - The Scientific Method - Tomato Sauce - Web Page
KidsISO4000 - Kids ISO 14000 - Web Page
Fingerprinting - Fingerprinting - Web Page
HIVandAIDS - HIV and Aids - Web Pages
YouTube and TeacherTube Videos - Videos Made For Use In Science Class
More Links To Science Web Sites MoreLinks
Teacher Center TeacherCenterBannerBUTTON Information for Teachers

  1. Letter to parents and students - Technology Class
    Letter to parents and students - Science Class
  2. Scope and Sequence - Science 6th Grade
  3. Grading Policy - Science Class
    Grading Policy - Technology Class
  4. Rubric for success - Science Class
  5. Rubric for success - Technology Class
  6. Supplies [as Web-page] or [PDF]
  7. Our ECOLOGY Project
  8. Book Report - Environmental Science
  9. Infused Vocabulary List

Common Core NYC Performance Standards[PDF] NYC Scope And Sequence[PDF]
IMG_2696 GroupGames1 Lever1 IMG_2702